我们都希望只要轻轻推一下杠杆,马桶就能冲走我们的问题, no questions asked. 水在旋转,几秒钟之内,所有的东西都消失在下水道里. 这是我们很少想到的日常便利之一,直到出了问题. 突然间,那种可靠的冲水不再有魔力了. 碗里的水不但没有消失,反而涨得更高,有溢出来的危险. 恐慌开始了,人们的本能是再试一次,希望问题会自行解决. But does flushing a clogged toilet make it worse? Unfortunately, it often does more harm than good.

In this blog, 我们将回顾为什么一直冲堵塞的马桶是不好的, how it can make the situation worse, and what you should do instead.

The Mechanics of a Flush

So, is it bad to keep flushing a clogged toilet? 在我们回答这个问题之前,了解一下你冲水的时候会发生什么是有帮助的. 现代厕所被设计成一种虹吸效应,将废物和水通过马桶的疏水阀拉到下水道.

The Toilet Trap and Drain Lines

马桶疏水阀是位于马桶内部的弯曲管道,用来蓄水,防止下水道的气体进入你的家. When you flush, water from the tank flows rapidly into the bowl, 把废物从马桶的疏水阀里推到排水管里. In a healthy plumbing system, 然后废物顺利地通过排水管进入下水道.

What Causes a Clog?

Several things can cause a toilet to clog. Common culprits include too much toilet paper, 不可冲洗物品(如卫生用品或棉球), 有时甚至会有异物不小心掉到碗里. In some cases, a clog might result from a bigger issue, such as tree root intrusion into your sewer line, a blocked toilet vent, or a clogged toilet trap. 不管是什么原因,结果都是一样的——马桶不能正常冲水.

Is It Bad to Keep Flushing a Clogged Toilet?

So, does flushing a clogged toilet make it worse? The short answer is yes. Here’s why:

The Risk of Overflow

当厕所堵塞时,你冲的水无处可去. 它将开始填满抽水马桶,而不是流入下水道. 如果你一直冲水,你实际上是在往已经满的碗里加更多的水. Eventually, the water will spill over the edge, 弄得一团糟不仅令人不愉快,还会导致浴室进水.

Making the Clog Worse

Does flushing a clogged toilet make it worse? Absolutely. 每次冲洗都能将更多的物质塞进木屐中,使其更难被清除. 一个带法兰的马桶柱塞可以解决的小麻烦,可能会变成一个需要专业干预的大问题. 如果堵塞在排水管道或主要污水管道深处, additional flushing can push it further down, making it more challenging to reach and remove.

Damage to Your Plumbing System

反复冲洗堵塞的马桶会使你的管道系统不堪重负. 水试图通过堵塞的管道的额外力量会导致泄漏, cracks, or even a burst pipe in extreme cases. 如果你家有老式的低流量马桶,这一点尤其正确, which may not be as efficient at handling clogs. 这种损害不仅限于厕所本身,还可能延伸到你家管道系统的其他部分.

What to Do When Faced With a Clogged Toilet

既然你知道一直冲堵塞的马桶是不好的, it’s time to discuss what you should do instead. 这里有一些实用的步骤,当你发现自己有木屐时可以采取.

Stop Flushing Immediately

The first step is the simplest — stop flushing. Continuing to flush will only make the situation worse. Instead, take a deep breath and assess the situation.

Use a Flanged Toilet Plunger

在这种情况下,带法兰的马桶柱塞是你最好的朋友. 法兰有助于创造一个更好的密封,允许您施加更大的力量来去除堵塞. 将柱塞放在马桶上,盖住排水管,用力向下推. Then, pull up sharply to try and break up the clog. Repeat this process several times.

Try a Toilet Auger

如果柱塞不工作,马桶螺旋钻(也被称为马桶蛇)可以是一个有用的工具. 将螺旋钻插入马桶排水管,向下推,直到碰到堵塞物. Then, turn the handle to work the auger into the blockage, breaking it apart so it can be flushed away. 如果你觉得使用这个工具不舒服,不要犹豫,打电话给水管工寻求帮助.

Check the Toilet Trap and Vent

If neither the plunger nor the auger works, 堵塞可能位于马桶的疏水阀或马桶通风口. 马桶陷阱可以通过拆卸马桶和检查其下方的弯曲管道来检查. However, this is a job best left to professionals. Similarly, 堵塞的厕所通风口会导致排水缓慢和持续堵塞, 因为它们阻止空气通过管道系统, which is necessary for proper drainage.

Call a Professional Plumber

If all else fails, it’s time to call in the experts. 在棋牌电子游戏平台 's,我们很自豪能够提供可靠的下水道清洁服务. Our experienced plumbers in New Orleans, LA, 能否进行彻底的检查,找出堵塞的原因,并在不进一步损坏管道系统的情况下进行修复. Sometimes, 堵塞是由更严重的问题造成的,比如下水道堵塞, which requires specialized equipment to address.

Preventing Future Clogs

预防马桶堵塞要从留心上厕所的习惯开始. 这里有一些建议,让你的厕所和管道系统保持最佳状态:

Be Careful With Toilet Paper

使用过多的卫生纸是造成堵塞的最常见原因之一. Aim to use just enough to get the job done, 考虑换一个更容易溶于水的牌子.

Avoid Flushing Non-Flushable Items

Flushing non-flushable items like hygiene products, cotton balls, and other foreign objects is a surefire way to cause a clog. 这些东西不会在水中分解,很容易卡在马桶的疏水阀或排水管里.

Regular Maintenance of Sewer Lines

树根侵入和主要污水管道的其他问题会导致频繁的堵塞. 由持牌水管工进行定期保养和检查可以及早发现这些问题, saving you from more significant headaches down the road.

Consider Upgrading to Modern Toilets

老式的低流量马桶在防止堵塞方面可能不如新款马桶有效. If your toilet is prone to clogging, 考虑升级到一个更高效的现代厕所,可以更有效地处理垃圾和卫生纸.

Keep an Eye on Other Drains

Slow drains in your sink, shower, 或浴缸可能是一个更大的问题,你的家庭管道系统的标志, like a clogged sewer line. 如果你注意到任何这些症状,是时候叫水管工了.

Schedule Drain Cleaning Services in New Orleans Today!

处理堵塞的厕所可能是一种混乱和混乱的经历, 但重要的是不要继续冲水,让情况变得更糟. 下次你发现自己在问:“冲堵塞的马桶会让情况更糟吗??” remember that the answer is a resounding yes.

If you’re facing persistent clogs or other plumbing issues, don’t wait to contact the professional plumbers at 棋牌电子游戏平台’s. 我们在这里帮助你做任何事情,从排水管清洁到更复杂的维修. Schedule your service today with our New Orleans drain cleaning experts today!